Drawn to Reconcile

Drawn to Reconcile: The Queer Reparative Journey of ElfQuest” appears in the Summer 2020 issue of Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society. In this article. Madeline and her co-author propose that the independent comics series ElfQuest can be read as an attempt to make sense of the seeming contradictions between theories of queerness and between the identities claimed by individuals.

Material Romance

Material Romance: Kidnapped In and Out of Young Folks Paper” appears in the Summer 2020 issue of the Victorian Periodicals Review. In this article, Madeline proposes that the serial publication of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Kidnapped (1886) in Young Folks Paper presents a vision of Highland and Hebrides Scotland that is similar to colonial locales featured in imperial romantic adventure narratives.

The University of Scranton

Madeline has joined the University of Scranton’s English and Theatre Department as Assistant Professor of Nineteenth-Century British Literature. She will be teaching courses on Romantic and Victorian literature and culture as well as literature and English studies more broadly. Her courses for the University of Scranton are listed on this site’s teaching page as well as in her faculty profile on the university’s site.

Reviews in Digital Humanities

Dr. Amanda Visconti has published a review of Madeline’s digital project, The (De)collected War of the Worlds, in Reviews in Digital Humanities #1.3. The project itself is hosted at decollected.net.

Madeline at MLA 2020 (Two Panels)

2020 Modern Language Association Convention

Washington State Convention Center
and Sheraton Grand Seattle (Seattle, WA)
January 9-12, 2020

Madeline will present two papers at the 2020 Modern Language Association Convention. The first, “Comics ARchitected: Translation Augmentation with Structural Integrity,” is part of the “Comics and the Digital Humanities” roundtable. Through her digital humanities project called “Comics ARchitected,” this paper demonstrates that when augmenting comics, it is vital to consider their structural integrity and avoid disrupting the fragile architecture of the comics page.

Her second paper, “Making Victorian Serialized Fiction Accessible through the Digital ‘Edition’,” is part of the “Serial Compositions” session. With an emphasis on access and accessibility, this paper explores ways in which Victorian serialized novels can be presented through digital projects that place them within their periodical contexts. One such project is Madeline’s The (De)collected War of the Worlds.

Madeline at NAVSA 2019

2019 North American Victorian Studies Association Conference

Hilton Downtown Columbus (Columbus, OH)
October 17-19, 2019

Madeline will present her paper “The (De)collected War of the Worlds: Victorian Serialized Fiction and the Digital ‘Edition'” at the 2019 North American Victorian Studies Conference. This paper explores ways in which the material and cultural contexts of Victorian serialized novels might be made more visible and accessible through digital projects that place them within their periodical presentations. One such project is Madeline’s annotated web presentation of The War of the Worlds as it was serialized in Pearson’s MagazineThe (De)collected War of the Worlds.

Art and Science in Word and Image (2019)

“Wars of the Worlds: H.G. Wells’s Ekphrastic Style in Word and Image” appears in the newly-released collection Art and Science in Word and Image: Exploration and Discovery (Brill, 2019). This collection brings together papers presented at the 2014 International Association of Word and Image Studies conference (Dundee, Scotland). Madeline’s chapter examines early illustrations of The War of the Worlds from its initial serialization in Pearson’s Magazine (1897) through the Second World War. Her analysis of illustrations and book covers highlights the difficulties presented for illustrators by texts that are deliberately written to be undepictable. It also addresses the ways in which various technologies and international conflicts influence visual interpretations of the novel.

Madeline at MLA 2019

2019 Modern Language Association Convention

Hyatt Regency Chicago (Chicago, IL)
January 3-6, 2019

Madeline will present her paper “Reclaiming the ‘Absent Context’ of Late-Victorian Serialized Fiction” at the TM Book History, Print Cultures, Lexicography Forum at the 2019 Modern Language Association Convention. This paper examines key works of late-Victorian serialized fiction that are widely read today in collected and revised formats, focusing on H. G. Wells’s The War of the Worlds as illustrated by Warwick Goble for Pearson’s Magazine. An analysis of serialized versions alongside collected editions demonstrates the necessity of engaging the various versions of such works in scholarship and pedagogy.

Madeline at NAVSA 2018

2018 North American Victorian Studies Association Conference

Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront Hotel (St. Petersburg, FL)
October 11-14, 2018

Madeline will present her paper “‘Scotland as Though It Were a Foreign Country’: Victorians Looking Northward in Stevenson’s Kidnapped” at the 2018 North American Victorian Studies Conference. This paper argues that Kidnapped maps the imperial romance onto Scotland in a way that portrays Highland Scots as native peoples subjugated by the English, their lands colonized and culture outlawed. Madeline’s readings of William Boucher’s illustrations in conjunction with Stevenson’s text reveal a distinctive “looking Northward”—both textual and literal—that Stevenson and Boucher collaboratively construct through their presentation of Jacobite-era Scotland.