Introduction to Fiction

ENLT 120: Introduction to Fiction

This course is offered periodically. Readings and assignments may vary by semester.


This course constitutes a study of novels and short fiction from the early nineteenth century through the early twenty-first century, tracing the rise of the novel and short story forms as we understand them today. Our readings will cover a breadth of authors, genres, styles, and subjects in prose and imagetextual formats. Through class discussion, writing assignments, and creative projects, we will explore the elements, techniques, and concepts of fiction. Though we will approach our readings roughly chronologically, we will endeavor to draw connections between and among these works, and with other works of fiction from outside of our course. Our key purpose will be to come to a greater understanding of how and why people have told stories over the past two centuries, and the ways in which those stories resonate with readers, both within their own historical moments and in ours.
