Multimodal Comics

Madeline’s co-edited (with Drs. Chris Murray and Julia Round) collection, Multimodal Comics: The Evolution of Comics Studies (Intellect, 2024) has just been published in the United Kingdom and is being distributed by the University of Chicago Press. The collection showcases a selection of essays from ten years of Studies in Comics (journal) archives alongside several new pieces on the subject of multimodality in comics. It explores interactions between comics and other media and technologies, employing a wide range of theoretical and critical perspectives. By focusing on key critical concepts within multimodality (transmediality, adaptation, intertextuality) and addressing multiple platforms and media (digital, analog, music, prose, linguistics, graphics), this collection expands and develops existing comics theory and addresses multiple other media and disciplines. This volume demonstrates the evolution of comics studies over the last decade and shows how this research field has engaged with various media and technologies in a continuously evolving, multimodal artistic and production environment.